Amazon AWS: Amazon launches Deadline Cloud

Apr 05, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a cloud-based rendering service called Deadline Cloud which will enable users to deploy and scale up graphics and handle visual effects (VFX) rendering on AWS cloud infrastructure. This rendering service is aimed at customers in media and entertainment, and architecture and engineering. It can be used with content for TV, movies, ads, video games, and digital blueprints.

According to the Amazon announcement: "The demand for rendering high-resolution content developed by creative studios and generative AI tools has led many organizations to set up their own on-premises infrastructure—render farms—that combine the power of hundreds, even thousands, of computing nodes to process rendering jobs."

“We are at a tipping point in the industry where demand for rendering quality VFX and the amount of content created using generative AI are outpacing customers’ on-premises render farm capacity,” said Antony Passemard, general manager of Creative Tools at AWS. “AWS Deadline Cloud meets any customer’s rendering requirements by providing a scalable render farm without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. Creative teams can embrace the velocity of content pipelines and respond quickly to opportunities to accept more projects, while meeting tight deadlines and delivering high-quality content.”