Amazon AWS: AWS launches Local Zones in Minneapolis, Chicago, and Kansas City

Sep 13, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Amazon Web Services has launched Local Zones in Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Chicago. AWS’ Local Zones serve as Edge locations that host applications that require single-digit millisecond latency for on-premises installations and end-users. AWS announced its excitement of launching the Local Zones in the metro areas. It said AWS customers can now use the local zones to deliver applications that need low latency to both on-premise installations and end-users.

AWS offers services like storage, compute and database within Local Zones that are closer to population centers. The aim is for applications that are latency-sensitive. The Company first announced its Local Zones in 2019. It now has Local Zones in Boston, Houston, Denver, Los Angeles, Dallas, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Besides, AWS has launched 11 Local Zones this year. It says there are six more to come before the year runs out.