Bulk Infrastructure AS: Bulk announces it is expanding its facilities in Oslo and Kristiansand and prioritizing sustainability

Sep 28, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Bulk is expanding both of its Norwegian data centers in Oslo and Kristiansand. The company outlined that it has already completed the installation of an on-site substation at its NO1 campus in Kristiansand, adding 100MW and has commenced work on the second data center at its NO1 campus. This addition will add 10MW of It capacity. Meanwhile, in Oslo, it has completed work on a further 1.5MW of whitespace at its OS-IX facility.

The Norwegian facilities are powered entirely via hydroelectric-generated energy, and link up to local heat-reuse projects employing circular economy principles. Gisle M.Eckhoff, executive vice president, Bulk Data Centers, said while the Bulk's facilities are powered by renewable energy, the company understand's its responsibility to ensure that energy is utilised as efficiently as possible, and noted that this includes solutions for re-use of heat from the cooling systems. Eckhoff added: "At NO1 we have established a circular economy campus, where the heat will be re-used to heat greenhouses for vegetables and plants as well as for drying firewood. Our customers care for the environment and appreciate that Bulk is ahead in the field of sustainable data centre operations. We are experiencing rapidly increasing demand for our data center capacity in the Nordics, and our ongoing expansion will provide customers with sustainable, reliable and highly connected facilities.”

Rob Elder, the company’s VP of data centres, added: “The growth of digitalisation often appears at odds in the current climate, to both reduce demand on the grid and reduce carbon emissions of data centres. Customers cannot wait years and with these projects we continue to demonstrate how Bulk is leading the way in investing in sustainable solutions, which offer customers high connected scalable options at much lower costs to Europe and with almost unlimited scale.”