France: Denv-R to deploy its first prototype floating data center in Nantes

May 01, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

French startup Denv-R has released an update on its prototype floating data center in Nantes. The company is reportedly on the precipice of deploying its river-based facilities. The prototypes will utilize river water to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and are equipped with solar panels and wind turbines. Employing circularity, the facilities are also built from recycled steel. 

"This first unit should enable us to demonstrate the viability of our solution, whether in terms of safety, reliability, and availability," said Vincent Le Breton, Denv-R co-founder and CEO.

Le Breton also shared the company's vision for the future, in that, long term, the company's objective is not to position itself as a host. "We want to address the cloud market, by operating and exploiting a network of data centers for third parties," said Le Breton.

The company has outlined it will launch its floating prototype at Nantes Port along the Loire in Nantes, located at the Quai Président-Wilson quay, in the summer of 2023.