Google: Google invests in new subsea cables

Apr 11, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Google has revealed its plans to invest $1 billion in creating two new subsea fiber cable routes between the US and Japan which will be called Proa and Taihei and will be built by Japan's NEC Corp.

In a blog post, Google revealed that the investment is in support of Google's Japan Digitization Initiative and is being conducted in partnership with KDDI, Arteria, and Citadel Pacific among others. According to the blog post, "Proa and TPU will together establish a new route between the continental US and Shima, Japan. Once complete, the Taihei and Tabua systems will create a diverse path between the continental US to Takahagi, Japan," said Google.

Arnold Palacios, governor of CNMI, said: “We are deeply honored to have the privilege of naming the cable 'Proa' and participating in the unveiling of this transformative network set to revolutionize connectivity in the CNMI. "The name 'Proa', drawing inspiration from our traditional sailing canoes, encapsulates the essence of connectivity and cultural heritage. It signifies the collaborative journey this project embodies, reflecting resilience and progress as we collectively move towards a future brimming with opportunities and prosperity for our islands."