Telehouse: KDDI and Telehouse discuss sustainability and targets

Apr 12, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

KDDI and its data center subsidiary Telehouse recently made their latest sustainability announcements and set a number of target dates to achieve carbon neutrality. Alongside this, they published the details of number of initiatives that will help them to achieve their green goals. Currently, the company emits approximately 1 million tons of CO2 each year by its own admission - this is the equivalent of 500,000 average households and primarily derived (98%) from its data centers, phone base stations and communication station buildings.

The Japanese tech firm outlined plans to beat its 2050 target and achieve net-zero CO2 emissions across its Scope 1 and 2 business activities by 2030 instead. Moreover, across its worldwide data centers under its Telehouse brand, the company has also pledged to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2026. That said, the company intends to achieve zero CO2 emissions across the entire KDDI Group by 2050.

According to the company, it will achieve these targets by reducing its base stations and telecommunications facilities' power consumption and utilizing more renewable energy. Alongside these efforts, it is also reportedly considering the introduction of "perovskite solar cells," in the future.