United States: Nautilus unveils new modular data center offering

Mar 25, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Nautilus Data Technologies has launched a new product line known as EcoCore, based on the cooling technology the firm developed for its own data centers. The modular data center design offers 2.5MW of capacity. Nautilus said EcoCore “enhances prefabrication efficiency and streamlines the construction process” by integrating data center white space with the grey space and strategically positioning MEP components above. 

Rob Dunn, CEO of Start Campus, said: “This is a good example of how we conceive data centers: customer-centric and future-proofed from the outset. The innovative cooling offer will drive our infrastructure’s efficiency and green credentials to new heights, allowing us to meet our clients’ evolving needs with unparalleled precision and reliability, while staying true to our founding principle of sustainability.”

Rob Pfleging, Nautilus CEO, added: “We are thrilled to partner with Start Campus in this project. Nautilus’ sustainable technology sets a new standard in the industry, offering unmatched efficiency and adaptability. This deal signifies a milestone for Nautilus and reinforces our commitment to pushing the boundaries of data center innovation.”