Republic of Ireland: Google signs first Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Ireland

Sep 05, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Google has announced that it has signed its first Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Ireland. The 14-year agreement is with Power Capital Renewable Energy for 58MW of new-to-the grid capacity from the Tullabeg Solar Farm in County Wexford.

The solar project, currently under construction, spans 246 acres and will have a peak capacity of 81.62 MW. It is due to be completed in early 2024 and in a LinkedIn post, Power Capital shared that all power produced by the plant will be traded by Erova Energy.

Commenting on the news, data center energy senior lead at Google Ainhoa Anda, said that climate change is "one of the biggest challenges of our time," and that the company believes technology can be "part of the solution."

“That's a central motivation behind our goal to operate on carbon-free energy every hour of every day by 2030," Anda said. 

Adding: “We're excited to collaborate with Power Capital Renewable Energy for our first long-term renewable energy deal in Ireland because deals like these take us one step closer to a carbon-free future by helping to add new clean energy sources to Ireland's grid."

Meanwhile, Co-chief executives and founders of Power Capital Renewable Energy Justin Brown and Peter Duff said: “We are very active in the corporate power purchase market and the opportunity to partner with Google on a transaction like this is very significant milestone for us."

“Understanding the requirements and aligning the interests of both companies to achieve the desired outcome has resulted in a further 83MW of solar energy being connected to the grid, reducing Ireland's carbon emissions, and helping reach the 2030 targets," they noted.